Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, November 01, 2004

This morning I can't escape a terrible feeling of dread. Most of the time I have an underlying paranoia and anxiety in regards to myself and close family/friends, that maybe something might happen but I blame that on earlier life events and the fact that my dad sort of ingrained that in me. It's not a terrible thing and keeps me careful on several levels.
Today feels different. I feel as if something catastrophic on a much larger playing field than my own personal and immediate life is about to occur. I'm not trying to be dramatic and come across as "Something terrible will happen if the wrong person is elected!" because I've already resigned myself to not being happy about either person who ends up president come January. I can't say as I'm even scared insane of a major terrorist attack, I don't feel anything that specific. Hopefully all that's wrong is something in my head.

Dreamshade (LiveJournal user) asked about trick-or-treaters this year. We did have quite a few more than the two last year. We had hoped (and bought candy for) quite a few more, unfortunately. Overall we probably had maybe 25-30 kids come by.
Costumes I remember:
A little boy (maybe 2-3 years old) dressed up as a bride. He was led around by his sister, who was dressed up in black and white "gothgirl" type wear.
A girl dressed up like a tiger. Our cat immediately liked her.
A kid maybe 7 years old dressed up like a baby. The oversized diaper kept falling off as he ran down the street.
A few "skeleton" types and a couple princesses.
Spiderman dropped by.
As did a boy dressed up like a girl. He was arguably prettier than his sisters, who were dressed in red and black dresses but I'm not sure were any particular characters.

Almost all the kids came by between 5:15 and 5:45 or 6. We had a couple stop by here and there after that but not really too many at all. Then around 7:15ish a few people rang our doorbell. Stacey thought they were teens but they looked to adults to me. Then again, that misperception has gotten me in trouble before so she was probably right. They were dressed up like "bums" or something along that line. They seemed not quite right in the head to me. They lacked the sincerity of homeless people.

The next couple days look to be heavy busy. Tonight I'm going to work on church bookstore business for a while before the All Saints' Day mass. Tomorrow after Stacey's class we'll go home, grab some food and vote, then I'll be at the All Souls' Day mass. The end of this week I need to start actually getting ready to take the MAT test next week.

I just realized that by the next presidential election I'll be in my 30s. Will I be wiser? Will I still be able to trust myself? Will I still be working a mundane entry-level office job? Will we have better choices for president? Will I even have a conscience to vote with?
I've thought about running for something, anything in 2008, if for no other reason than to distract me from what will probably be an even worse presidential election. On the other hand, I struggle with making choices about changing lanes, what to eat for dinner and those sorts of things. I'm so forgetful that I've been meaning to buy shoelaces for my boots for a couple months now (I'm currently wearing two obviously different kinds) and I can never remember to pay all the bills on time. Besides that, my bladder is too active to sit in lots of meetings. Can't do it. Wouldn't be Prudent.


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