Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, September 27, 2004

My digestion and metabolism won't cooperate. I keep finding myself overfull 10 minutes after eating despite not being full while I was eating. I'm hungry at all the wrong times. We're eating healthier and I'm even getting back to exercising but my body and my brain aren't on the same page somehow. Our closet is full of pants and shirts that just won't fit me anymore. I keep putting off going to Goodwill/SalvationArmy/wherever and buying more clothes, however, because finances are tight and I refuse to believe I won't lose some of this extra fat.

Stacey's officially looking for another job now. That makes two of us. She actually loves her job but the school system won't pay for decent workers so she's stuck with two co-workers who either aren't at work half the time or are dangerously (literally, in her line of work) inept and lazy. When the work isn't balanced the one person who IS doing a decent job has to literally bear too large a burden and it's hurting her physically. She may end up with a leave of absence because of it, which is good for her body but not great for our finances. I'm known as a pretty "liberal," "to each his own" kind of guy, but this is one of several ongoing situations where others' actions and attitudes are dragging us down financially. Life isn't about finances or material goods but when you're just barely making it, other people's actions really can put you closer to the edge.

Speaking of ugly situations...it turns out that Josh (who you'll know as Suspect #1 in the computer theft) has a bigger history than we thought. Ben found some of his old documents (and porn DVDs) left in his room. Collection agents are after the guy, apparently. Even bigger, a small claims court document shows that he owes a former landlord in the thousands of dollars for unpaid rent, damages due to animals and...(surprise)...things missing upon his departure. Even though no real proof exists for our current situation, it's just further evidence that what happened isn't out of his character at all.

I should really try and be less depressing.

Good news coming soon. Let's plan on it.


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