Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, April 21, 2003

Thanks for the comment, Kate.
I'd have to say, then, that I PMS more than most women.
There, the truth is out.

Right now I'm listening to Horton's "virtual mix tape" on the Echelon Productions site. It's very good.

These days I'm busy with final projects for school. I just completed a character analysis of Willy Loman from Death of a Salesman using Keirsey Temperament theory. My paper is officially 50% longer than the minimum, but I'd rather feel fairly complete about something than just fulfill a minimum standard. Next up we're examining the rhetoric of Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan. I actually have a more specific direction with the paper than that but can't think of it off the top of my head right now. Plenty of fun classes coming this summer, as well...In the first summer semester (mid-May through the end of June), I'll be taking Modern Familiar Essay; the second semester (July through mid-August, which is when the fall semester starts) I will be engrossed in the History of Mass Communication (I think that's the official name of it). In the midst of all this, from sometime in June through early August, I will be taking an online Astronomy course through the University, as well. Next fall's classes include: Women Writers of the West, Special Topics in English: Beats & Hippies, and Composition Theory and Practice. This will all leave me needing 2 classes plus a 1 credit "Astronomy Lab" in the spring (I've been assured that the Astronomy Lab is incredibly easy) and then I will be able to graduate unless they come up with a new way to keep me around.

Films recently watched:
Blood Simple: The first film by the Coen Bros., it trudges a bit in the beginning with forgettable dialogue and characters one has to work hard to care about. About halfway through the film, things pick up a bit and we start to at least stay awake. I ended up really enjoying it by the end. If blood-related violence bothers you, then you may not want to watch this one.
The Last Temptation of Christ: I have to say that I don't understand why people were so up in arms and offended over this. I mean, I do, but if one has any concept of an artistic exploration of themes, fictional possibilities, and character construct then they'll get it. For those who didn't: this film is NOT saying that Christ was this or that or anything else -- it is merely a "what if?" fictional story that, while exaggerating Christ's humanity (and there's a disclaimer at the beginning admitting all of this) it very much helps lend a bit of insight into what He sufferered and some of the temptations we may not necessarily think about. I know that I have not been called into celibate monasticism, even...but I've thought quite a lot about it and been very open to that possibility -- one of the major struggles in going through that thought process did bring to mind the temptations Christ must have gone through...and in finally saying "Thy will be done" to the issue I found an immense amount of peace and freedom, even in not knowing what the future might have been holding. Anyway, it is a great film (little eyes may want to avert from some nudity, however) and if you are into non-literal, more abstract thought, I recommend it as something to engage your mind in spiritual contemplation.

Today's lunch special is ramen noodles and vegetable egg rolls. Dig in.


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