Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Thursday, April 03, 2003

My department at work put on a conference today. We are located in a state office building; the first floor has a pretty good-sized conference area, so we rented that out this time around. Those attending the conference parked in the parking garage across the street. A couple of them came and complained that it was full, but people after them didn't say anything about it so we had it checked out. Turns out that the security (our building's security is also in charge of the garage) put up signs saying "Lot is Full" outside the exits so that people wouldn't drive into the exits. Obviously this was confusing to people who assume that "full" means "full," not "go to an entrace." The security here is dumb as a box of bricks. This is the same crew that thought I was unreasonable for bringing to their attention the fact that they regularly allow SUVs, pickup trucks and vans to occupy "compact vehicle only" spaces, thus blocking views around corners and such and that were someone to get into an accident as a result of this negligence, they would be held liable and would probably be sued (and jobs would be lost if it could be shown that they regularly allowed it to happen). I would tell more stories of their incompetence and laziness, but I'm really trying to be more positive. I can safely say that they make this building anything but "secure" (except from the homeless people they harass for just sitting in a common area) and that I am very sure a couple of them have some sort of legitimate (though slight) mental handicap.


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