Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Hey, thanks for the comments.
I'll try to keep it updated better, Kelly, thanks. :-)
My other class I'm taking is Rhetoric. I'm not particularly up for trying to explain what it's all about at this point, but it's fantastic and I'm learning a good bit.
I don't really have classes with any freshman. These are both upper level senior classes that are also graduate level. I would venture to say no one in the class is under 20 and most of us are a few years older than that. It always takes me a little while to make friends with people in these classes, but I think I am starting to, at least in the Great Characters class (second one of that was last night, second of Rhetoric tonight).
Because GC starts at 4:15 and I leave work from downtown at 4, I am usually a couple minutes late. The professor knows my situation and is fine with this. Due partly to my lateness and also to our natural predisposition, I have both times ended up sitting toward the back in what is now becoming "the punk corner." I don't necessarily have crazy stuff going on in how I look, but my look reflects the aesthetic, if that makes sense (the punk rock bag helps). The other two back there include this girl whose name I can never remember and another guy. The girl has short pink hair that is spiky in the back. She's got the look down, I suppose. When I don't have water around, I develop a bit of a dry cough sometimes; last night she heard me cough a couple times and gave me a lozenge. That was nice of her. The guy's name is Joe and I talked to him for a few minutes after class last night. He's a pretty hardcore type, has nice big gauges in his earlobes, has a bag with patches, that sort of thing. I started talking to him about Ballydowse because he's got a patch of them on his bag. Turns out he lived at JPUSA (in Chicago) for a while back in the early-mid 90's. He's interesting to talk to, is big into some similar issues (which I wondered--Andrew from Ballydowse and Crashdog before that tends to very charismatically educate those around him, which included both uf us but at different times). He's back in school now going to an education degree, has some great ideas about things. I'd like to recruit him to write for us, actually, I think. There is someone else who is in both the GC and Rhetoric classes. I didn't really recognize her at all but last night on break I was at the coffee machine and she was talking to me and asking me questions about the classes and whatnot. For all I knew, I'd never seen her before in my life. When I was walking around talking to Joe she walked by and said "Hi" to me again so I guess I'm just fairly recognizable or she realized I'm halfway smart so it's worth knowing me for when super study time comes around, I don't know.
I also dig my professors. Smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, personable, good communicators and teachers.
So there's my school update.


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