Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

now playing: Pink Floyd, The Wall

Tonight I started back to school This class, Great Characters, is starting wonderful already.

We're looking quite a bit at character and temperament; if you're familiar with Keirsey's studies or book or Meyers-Briggs' test, you'll know more what i mean. For a brief view at at, http://www.keirsey.com .
Tonight we mostly looked at the temperament stuff with just a reference here and there to fiction. In learning more about temperament types, I'm connecting some things, putting ideas together, realizing and learning some things.
I am an INFJ, an "Idealist Advocate Healer."
I realized first something about relationships in general. We Idealists and INFJs in particular strive for harmony, especially in relationships with those we care about deeply. As a result, we tend to sacrifice and compromise and give until we have nothing left to give. Happens to me every time. I need to learn to set boundaries much better; also to avoid relationships with those who by nature are much more demanding.
In addition, we're easily misunderstood and hard to understand. I've felt guilty in the past, even when people didn't even try or want to understand me...I felt guilty thinking that it was a "problem" on my end, no matter how hard I tried.
One other thing we tend to do is over-idealize people. I've definitely done this...that's why, like I wrote last night, anything from here on out really needs to take time, be eased into, be taken slow.
INFJ's are said to be the easiest to live with, yet they are the ones who find it hardest to find a mate. We're just not understood, plus what's mentioned above...
Ironic, isn't it?
However, in understanding one's self more, the greater one's ability to move past being defined and controlled by his own limitations.


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