Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I need to make this quick because I'm writing this in my hour between work and class. I need to leave a good bit earlier, though, to pick up some food for Michial and myself to eat just before our class starts.The class I'm in with Michial is an "intro to literary research" class, all who go through the English Graduate Studies program must take it. I'm hoping to do my term paper on Richard Brautigan. Depending on how well this goes, perhaps my thesis will be something related to him, as well.Sometime later on in May, one of Stacey's best friends is getting married. Since she's definitely going to be there, anyway, S. proposed that we make it a sort of vacation time...take a few days off, hang out in chicago some of the time, etc. Assuming I'm at the same job, I'll have plenty of vacation days. The only reason I wouldn't go is if I'm taking a class and we can't work things around that. Summer sessions are pretty unforgiving if you skip classes...so much content in a short time. We'll see what happens...I hope it works out. If any of you Chicago people read this and want to hang out or even care to host a couple people who will take you out for Indian food or whatever's your poison, slip me a note after class. All right, that's enough...gotta get out of here. You'd think a guy could get 10 minutes of quiet after work but a few people are around chattering, kids coming in wanting stuff despite the fact that our office lights are out...time to turn off the Neil Young record and get away.


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