Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, January 03, 2005

January 3 means break is over, back to work, back to school next week. Flannery the cat appeared to be pretty happy about us going back to work. She enjoyed the first few days of Christmas break but grew tired of us screwing up her nap schedule and disturbing her during outside-watching times. This past weekend she seemed to be purposefully mischievous, knocking over my waterglass 5 times last night, sporting more than the usual attitude.
Break was good. Despite not getting a whole lot of writing done, I did get to spend quite a bit of time with my wonderful wife, something we don't always get during the regular semesters. We do generally make time to just hang out and talk even during the work week, but extra time is great. She's becoming more and more interested and knowledgeable in feminism and "women's studies," as they call it at universities, and might end up majoring in that on top of her special education degree. I absolutely love this...she's wonderfully intelligent and this lets her exercise that -- education programs don't necessarily flex that particular muscle. While she absolutely loves working with the mentally challenged (insert joke here about our marriage), quite a bit of the system around that is suspect at best, atrocious at its worst -- and her sensitivity and intelligence put her in the position where it's going to either drive her crazy or propel her into a leadership position that might drive her even crazier, even while she does good for a ton of people all the while. I think it's great for her to explore the whole area of Women's Studies and maybe get a degree in that, because I know she'd love a job working in that realm. I love that she's reading and conversing (both with me and on message boards) about what she's learning -- my schedule and interests are deep and busy, so on top of how great this all is for her as a person and a scholar, it also is an avenue for her to enjoy while I'm doing whatever I need to do, as well. I've always been repulsed by the idea of the doting, bored housewife. I mean, S. dotes like crazy sometimes and I like that, and sure, we all get bored, but I've never wanted a wife who had no real intelligent energy being put beyond domestic issues or someone whose life has very little to enjoy and look forward to outside that which is done specifically in regards to the both of us. I absolutely love the discussions her studies bring up and her area of interest is one in which I am interested, as well, and the fact that she's learning things and passing some of them along to me is terrific since I don't really have the extra time to explore them myself. So, for us, busy is just fine most of the time. This coming semester will be especially busy for me: working 8-5, looking for a better job, 2 graduate level classes in the evenings, increased writing output, church bookstore operations and duties as the new Director of Christian Education at our church. We'll see how it all works out.

A year ago I was jobless, about to work a terrible temp job for a couple weeks. When things get close to unbearable, I just think about last January. One of my goals in the next week or so is to update my resume. No doubt the latest version is on the computer that was stolen so while only a few additions need made, I may just revamp the whole thing. If I go home early due to weather-related issues today, I'll probably work on that or a story I'm writing. Or a couple music reviews.

Yes, the weather is an issue today. Last week boasted temperatures in the 50s at least 3 days (which was super for moving Michial in) but things have slowly slunk colder. This morning we woke to freezing sleetrainslush that would've been better off snow. We live down in a valley near the river, so roads are a bit more dangerous than most other places around here and I've already decided that if things don't look much better by noon, I'm just going home. Nothing's going on at the University today, anyway, there's no real reason for me to be here this afternoon...I have this whole week to catch up on various things. We may get a big snow later on this week, so maybe we'll get lucky there, as well. The public school system in the city shut down today, which means good news for Stacey (she'll get to spend hours playing with the Sims 2 download that EA just made available this past week) and her sanity for another day. I'm pretty sure the cat's semi-furious, though.

Happy New Year to you all.


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