Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, November 29, 2004

We’re overdue for an update, I suppose.

Last week was terribly busy at work. Not bad, really, just fairly frenetic. I desperately needed Thanksgiving Break and Stacey needed it even more, really.

Our Thanksgiving dinner took place in late afternoon, nearly evening, with Ryan and Jenni at their place. Other than the fake turkey roast S. & I bought because Tofurkeys were sold out, everything was vegan. R & J, who are vegan, always cook so well, as does Stacey…so we feasted. In fact, we all probably made enough for a couple full families. Leftovers are terrific, of course, so no one complained. S. made an incredible mashed potatoes…it was mashed potatoes with spices and then baked. Also...sweet potatoes and yams are NOT the same thing. I wasn’t aware of that but the grocer guy at Wild Oats set me straight. We opted for the sweet potatoes (fresh, not in a can!), which S. baked with a nice sauce and some raisins.

I’d been looking forward to the extended holiday weekend not only as a relaxing period to spend time with Stacey and relax but also as a couple days where I could get quite a bit of writing type work in. Unfortunately that didn’t exactly happen. Between events I’ll delve into momentarily and a general tired, burnt-out feeling, I got very little measurable work accomplished. I have a feeling that had much more gotten onto paper it would have been terrible, anyway. I did listen to quite a bit of material by someone whose CD I’m co-reviewing and started getting thoughts on that, anyway…and started on a new article as well. I’m fairly disappointed with my output but, as Stacey said, I’ve been working hard the past few weekends and shouldn’t feel badly about it.

Friday we marked as a big housecleaning and Joel work day. Stacey had told two different people that no way was she going out that day – not even if she had to go to the E.R. In the late morning or early afternoon, I gashed my right index finger when a glass broke while I washed it. We just bandaged it and hoped it would be fine but when we went to change it later we realized the cut was too deep. We managed to go to an “urgent care center” rather than an E.R. but I still had to laugh at Stacey for bringing that on us. Luckily she was able to go buy some groceries while I was at the center. I didn’t have a terrible time, what with Brothers Karamazov to keep me company. The doctor teased me about how I always had my nose in the book. Anyway, I couldn’t remember the last time I received a tetanus shot so they gave me one of those. The doctor then gave me a shot straight into the finger so I wouldn’t feel her putting in the stitches. Nose still in book I found it difficult to not laugh. For some reason I found it absolutely hilarious that here was someone sewing up my finger and I couldn’t feel it a bit. The nurse came in and put on ointment and bandaged up the wound. Then the doctor came back. She asked me how was the dressing. I replied that it was good but not quite as good as the dressing I’d had the day before (Thanksgiving). Again, I found myself absolutely hilarious (in stitches, possibly). Though she was laughing I apologized to her and blamed it on being drugged up. She told me that no, I wasn’t drugged up at all. S. and I then proceeded to Walgreens to buy some sort of antibiotic. The rest of Friday I did a bit more housework but was pretty much all tuckered out. Minor injuries wear me down, I suppose.

Saturday we did more housework, I tried to write with very little success and we also went out for pretty much the whole afternoon and then some…we had various errands to run and had a good time just hanging out together. We ended up spending a long time in Big Lots. I bought little Secret Santa gifts for what we’re doing at the office. We found some great stuff for kids we’re buying gifts. I’m not afraid to admit that I love Big Lots despite their horrible electronics and furniture. At home we watched “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” while I whined about arm soreness. The tetanus shot left my arm aching Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday and Sunday I also was fairly feverish in the afternoon and evening (but not too bad in the morning, oddly enough). We also picked up a little fake Christmas tree. We put it up and it suits us just fine. The cat hasn’t been too aggressive toward it yet but today’s also the first day we’ll have been away for more than a few hours, too, so we’ll see how things go. We also put out a bowl of assorted nuts on the living room table. She enjoys picking those up and batting them around. Sometimes late at night I lie in bed and can hear her playing with those or some other battable object, slamming into walls, tearing through the carpet and so on. At least she doesn’t wear a bell anymore. That was a ruckus.

Other big news from this past week: Someone hacked onto our server and frolicked maliciously. Carter worked tirelessly to restore everything once the data center took the server down. I need to start a “Buy Carter a Beer” fund on the Vagrant Café. Of course, I have to figure out how. Why did someone do this to us? I’ve been wondering why this all happened. Maybe we just pissed someone off. It happens more often than most people would think. Then again, maybe someone was just bored and we happened to be the server he/she it. Who knows.

My head is actually full of other things to write and post but they’ll have to wait. This has already taken me all day, phrases and sentences squeezed in throughout my workday.

I’ve written this while listening to The Byrds (Easy Rider Soundtrack), The Joggers, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Jefferson Airplane, The Tea Company and I forget who else.


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