Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Yesterday was a long day. Stacey had a big Literature test, I had the MAT (Miller Analogy Test, taking that or the GRE is required to get into the English Grad program here). Once we were done with our tests we went out to McFoster's (superb vegetarian, even vegan dining in Midtown Cowtown) with Ryan, Jenni and Liz for Jenni's birthday. The Tempeh Reuben satisfied me quite nicely. Hanging out with all of them is always a super time. Once we were done with that we had to go shop for the big Sunday School event at our house tonight, rent the video, etc.

We finally got home around 9:30 to find a handome, charming black male cat wandering about in front of our front window. Flannery has a history of lacking civility toward other felines and we hoped she wasn't worked up into to much of a rage. Stacey, being her animal-loving self, tried to pet the black cat and withdrew when she realized he was being friendlier than male cats normally are. Sucker was in heat, poor guy. We managed to get inside with some groceries and found Flannery anything but scorning the young fellow. She was, in fact, quite taken with his overtures and enthusiastically attempted to step outside. Despite having been neutered as a very young kitten she seemed interested in what George (Stacey names everything nearly immediately) had to say. We had a difficult time getting the rest of our groceries, backpacks, etc. in the door without one or both of them leaping across the threshhold and into what would no doubt have been bloodthirsty fornication. He obsessed over her for the next couple hours, at least, and she spent time both enjoying our attention and pining for his in the window.


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