Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Winter in Nebraska brings searingly frigid winds. Guess what showed up this morning?

Last night I asked S. to stash my keys and wallet in her coat during our church parish's Advent reflections and potluck. She felt like driving home and I forgot to retrieve them. This morning she got all the way to her job before finding them but managed to work things out with her co-workers and bring my necessities back in time for me to still make it to work less than half an hour late. I wouldn't have minded taking the bus, really, but the transfers would have put me much more behind.

We finished almost all of our Christmas shopping this past weekend, an accomplishment we're both quite proud of. I'm lucky/blessed/fortunate to have someone who keeps a good head about her on these things and work with both my fussiness and gift-giving ideas. We ended up making a last-minute dash to a large Salvation Army store so I'd have more than 2 pair of pants to wear this week. I picked up 2 more pair that work all right and one pair that's tight and short but could work in a pinch (pretty much literally). S. had a good time finding me shirts and sweaters to work with, as well. We also lucked out in that it was December's half price Saturday. I think I'll hit up another Salvo on Wednesday evening, as well. One more pair would let me not have to repeat anything during the week. Anyway, being nearly done with Christmas shopping is a pretty good accomplishment for me (and speaks well for S. more than me). Normally I'm pretty late on everything. For example, my godson's birthday was in September and his gift for that will end up going in the Christmas box I send. He's only a year old and won't mind too much.

What I'm listening to today:
The Band, Music from Big Pink
Donovan (a collection)
Devics, Stars at San Andrea
Br. Danielson, Brother is to Son

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