Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Thursday, April 29, 2004

We've given the President the last couple days off since he's preparing for his grilling with the 9/11 Commission.

Right now I'm listening to Dylan's "Masters of War" and dedicating to our President. "With God On Our Side" can't be too far away...that song chills me.

Speaking of politics, this morning on the way to work I saw Gwen Howard, one of those running for a local office, standing on an overhead walking bridge (they put those over busy roads in a few places here) and waving at passersby. People probably could have looked up her skirt but that's tough to do at 40mph, not to mention it's sort of tacky to do that sort of thing anyway. I actually have a ton of respect for her. I've researched that particular election and support her campaign. Whereas the other guys running are coming out of the financial world and probably don't have a whole lot of relation to many or most of their prospective constituents, at least those below upper-middle class (which is a very significant portion), Ms. Howard has displayed an ability to work with various ethnicities and types of folks in her career with the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services.

While we're on it...if you're near Omaha, drop by the UNO Student Center on Sunday afternoon for the Peace & Justice Expo. Some great stuff going on there. Check out the Progressive Omaha website for further detail.

In other news, my car's wheels have been squealing a bit for a while now. I found out it's something done by an indicator to let me know it's getting near time to replace my brake pads. Could be worse, I suppose. Something my dad told me when I was very young and repeated both as I watched it happen in my family and then in my own young adult life...he told me that you work hard, try to spend wisely, do the best you can, and it seems that just when you start to get a little saved and get caught up on bills, something comes along to mess it all up and get you behind again. I've found that definitely true in my life, though a few of my own stupid decisions (and those of others who have affected my circumstances) definitely enhanced the situation. I guess it's true what Blake said about the best-laid plans of mice and men. Stacey just had to spend a bunch of money to get her car fixed, as well.

Be sure to check out some of the 9/11 Commission news after it all goes down today. We'll be back with DPBs tomorrow.


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