Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Part 1

As is often the case in offices, we have a small set of keys that stay hidden so as to keep people out of my desk drawers. They were missing when I arrived this morning. As is my style, I immediately blamed myself and wondered if I'd accidentally taken them home the night before. I was 99% sure I hadn't, however, because I hate having anything extra in my pants pockets than necessary and because things had been moved around on my desk a bit. After making a couple phone calls, driving back to my house and checking just to make sure, and freaking out a good bit, I got a call back from my boss. I figured she'd be pretty upset about the whole thing and I'd hated the idea of disturbing her at home...but she informed me that the night before she'd come back in (she stays late to work on things sometimes) and a couple students had dug around, found the keys (I just moved the hiding place 2 weeks ago, too!) and pulled out a bunch of paper to use for their own homework. She informed them of their impropriety, then hid the keys in the filter section of the little coffee pot I keep on my desk...then left me a note to let me know about it...stuck onto my monitor. The note somehow mysteriously disappeared (though she said "yes" when I asked her if those students were still here when she left the note) and so began the little mystery.


In other news, a senator from right here in Nebraska, Chuck Hagel, has come out publically in support of a draft. Right now two bills that would institute the draft are sitting before Congress.
From all I can tell, the cut-off age is 26, thus making me ineligible (well, that and my flat feet, poor eyesight, and so on), thank God.


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