Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Friday, April 02, 2004

Somehow I managed to put off blogging for an entire month.
The last month has been insane, however.
Things at the new job are incredibly busy, I'm in 3 classes, at church another 2 or 3 times a week, and life gets busy beyond that, too.
The last two weeks especially have wreaked havoc on my emotional and mental states. Work is just nuts, without going into detail. I really like my job but we're short-staffed and in the busiest time of the semester and things associated with that have really taken their toll on the new guy. I had a term paper due this past Monday and that sucked a ton of life out of me, though I really enjoyed researching and writing it. I'll be honest, I've been on the edge of burnout all week and battling to not break down. I think things are at the very beginning of an upswing, which is good. A professor and I met yesterday and she said some very complimentary things to me and it was just what I needed. I've been feeling overwhelmed and inadequate despite quite good grades and she said a couple things and gave me some advice that really helped me start to turn things around. I look up to her a great deal and think she's a wonderful professor, and the fact that she thinks I'm a good student and have made a ton of progress in such a short time and am getting better all the time really helps.

Two of the English grad guys and I had a conversation during class break last night about early 90s indie rock and how "indie rock" has gotten so "professional" (and not necessarily in a good way) in recent years. I've never really "fit in" to any sort of group or anything, and it's not about that at all, but it was really sort of funny that I sort of get on with guys who are in the position I hope to be in in a couple years and we all have pretty similar interests and knowledge. That sounds really cheesy but sometimes it's those cheesy things that help confirm a person and help him stay off the deep end.

The baseball season begins on Monday. Kerry Wood is in fine fine shape. I can hardly wait for the season to start...seems like just a short bit ago I was in Chicago watching the Cubs fall apart in the NLCS. Who knows, maybe I'll get to go back to Chicago for a day or two this coming fall...I just hope it becomes a possibility due to them making the playoffs again.

The college radio station is playing that ridiculous "Cold Hard Bitch" song by Jet. I thought "Are You Going To Be My Girl?" had a pretty nice charm and even a well-written pop song, but this song is not only boring, it's too reliant on formulas you can go hear all day on AOR stations (if very many even exist anymore). That's better...now they've got something playing that I recognize and dig but can't for the life of me remember what it is.

Now that my major term paper is past, I should be posting a bit more. I still have other papers due and finals in a month...but I think I'm at a point where posting now and then shouldn't be as much of a challenge.


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