Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I'm down to less than a month before I earn my BA (well, depending on that Astronomy Lab) and I have yet to really get excited. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that my job won't change, I don't feel "completed" yet, and I see so much more I want to learn.

Pascha/Easter was really quite wonderful. The early morning (rather than near midnight) service went pretty well and I must admit I found staying awake to be much easier. Just the glory of it all is really quite overwhelming. Of course, then at the potluck people had brought quite a few desserts so I acquired a nasty sugar buzz. I ended up allowing myself to watch an entire Cubs game without doing anything but falling asleep occasionally. I forgot how nice it is to relax once in a while. I probably should more often.

Tonight's the Okkervil River show (with Azure Ray and Neva Dinova). I'm able to get in free, which makes it all the more tempting (though this show is worth the price) but the band I want to see the most won't play until pretty late. I HATE what this probably says about me, but I've just been too tired and worn out lately to go see a late show tonight and still manage work in the morning. This weekend Jared and some others have their film premiere plus Kill Bill, vol. 2 opens and a week from Friday I'll be in at another show so I'm still going to be on social overload this month.

Lately I've been bothered quite a bit by the absolutely inane turn the "Everyday Cafe" has taken. Granted, the more intelligent, exploratory posts are by definition supposed to be in forums like "culture" or "spirituality," but in my opinion, we've watched it get dumber than usual lately. Anyone who talks with me much knows that I go through this every few months or so and a few times a year seriously consider just locking it up for a while. I don't think most people mind the "how I'm doing" posts -- those are conversational and often friendly. Some folks on there care about others and updates are good. However, not much of what's on there the last while is of much immediate worth. I'm embarrassed to be associated with it. I feel that some of it is my fault -- working full-time and going to school drains me of time to work on the zine, which could and should set the tone for the message board. However, let's just be honest and admit that a good bit of the issue is a result of people wanting to just go play around and see their vapidity in print. Thanks to Horton for posting about this in the Culture forum...I didn't want to start a thread on it myself.


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