Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, August 04, 2003

A quick note and a mostly empty promise for an update later.

Anyway, today ended up being one of those days at work that makes me really reconsider my policy of not having a couple drinks for lunch or between work and class.
Thank God for:
1. Stacey -- she listened to my whining and was just wonderful as always.
2. Uncut magazine compilation CDs and The Zombies' BRILLIANT album, Odessey & Oracle.
3. Blimpie's sandwiches.

This is summer session finals week. Only one more week of Astronomy.

I think I'm going to mass tomorrow night. There's a special one commemorating the Transfiguration. I've missed the last couple Sundays due to sickness and to being out of town (more on that later, if I remember) and I've really missed mass.


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