Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Busy times, Busy times.
Last week Liz moved back to Omaha. She's crashing at my place for a month or so until she has a steady job and a place of her own. She was around for a few days, then left for Cornerstone early Sunday morning. Saturday afternoon, my parents arrived in town. They're here until sometime tomorrow morning. I finished Modern Familiar Essay last week. Intro to Astronomy is ongoing. Last night I started in on History of Mass Communication. Because of University people being difficult, I have to pay for this one. It will cost me about a week and a half's worth of wages. I can't pay yet; somehow I'll find a way to do it eventually. Stacey flies in on Tuesday!

And there's your big update.

Today is one of those days I just wish I could walk out the door of my job and never come back. I'm tired of having so many bosses and being owned by several departments (some not even officially), all of which like to pull on me at the same time. It's ridiculous. All right, I'll stop being whiny. I'm kind of stuck here for now...a person with no real skills hasn't much choice. : ) So may as well just do it.

The other day I had to work with a guy on the phone who honestly did NOT know his work address. He had to have me call his secretary because he did not know it and wouldn't look for it himself. The sad thing is that I guarantee you he's making a ton more than this deskmonkey.
Okay, enough of that.

Here's an amusing story. On Friday, the Omaha Summer Arts festival was starting. It takes place downtown here and some of the food vendor tents were right outside the north side of our building. I overheard the head of security for our building tell two maintenance workers to make sure and keep those north doors locked because "we don't want any Mexicans coming in here." I found out who his boss is at the state level and called him, then sent him an email. I'm really uncomfortable with what might happen if the security guy knows who it is who turned him in (and he probably does), but I had to fight it somehow. Racism just doesn't belong. I'll say right now that most of the men in my largely Hispanic neighborhood work a lot harder than some of the goons on his security force (though some of them aren't bad at all).

Wow, I'm just full of piss and vinegar today. I'll blame it on missing my sweetheart and the fact that the Cubs are losing a lot lately.


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