Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

NO caffeine yesterday. Wow.

I actually ate pretty healthy up until later on at night when the heat finally did me in and I ate a little too much ice cream. Luckily the ice cream is gone now.

I'm editing the "balance" essay right now. My team and I worked through a good bit of it last night in class. Carrie and Aura were both very kind in their words on the piece and me as a writer. I'd love if they were right.

Right now I'm taking this online Intro to Astronomy class. Wow. It's throwing my mind for a loop. Honestly, I don't like it much at all. It combines elements of chemistry and physics....and that makes things really difficult for me. I really enjoy the really basic explanatory and historical elements of it. I love learning. I just struggle quite a bit with the actualy science elements. I sit there and slug through it, mumbling and occasionally smacking the desk or my head in frustration at my lack of understanding. Then I'll take the chapter practice quiz and pass with not much problem. I just hope the tests are of similar value.
I'm taking the class because I need a 4 hour lab science class in order to graduate next May. It's really stretching me, that's for sure. I'd be happy taking my literature and writing classes until I graduate. Actually, I'd be happy taking literature and writing classes one or two each semester for a few more years (which may lead to me getting a Master's Degree someday?!?) We'll see. I'd love to get a teaching and/or counselling degree. That's really where I'd like to be. Unfortunately, everything takes money, which is something I don't have or earn much of. So...we'll see. It sounds so aimless and slackish, but at this point, I'm just having to have faith and trust God to lead me in the right direction, because I have neither the vision or the means of getting much of anywhere. Someone told me earlier today that "once you know who you are and where you want to go, the path is easy." Well...it is if you have the means. Like I said, though, I have faith...so something will work out.

Anyway, Carter's all excited now about getting the zine going again. Of course, I'm wicked busy. We'll see what happens.

I love the ambiguity here! I just keep laughing.


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