Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, July 07, 2003

i reeeeeeeeeally wanted to go the show last night.
unfortunately...and you're all going to laugh...
at the grocery store a couple days ago, Pringles chips were on sale. so i grabbed some bbq and some sour cream and onion.
what i did NOT notice is that the latter was the "fat free" kind.
that wouldn't be so bad, i've got some pudge i need to keep under control. however, the fat free kind is that way because it contains our good pal Olestra.
i won't go into the physiological details of what olestra does, but let's just say that eating half a can of that kind of chips on a sunday afternoon isn't a particularly good thing for a person's stomach. yeeeah. so...i didn't end up making the show. bleh. at least stacey and i should be able to make it to see denison witmer on tuesday night, depending on a couple circumstancial potential difficulties.

kelly asked:

"how IS history of mass comm going? are you taking it with Doc Allen? do you have to write a big paper?"

I think it's going all right. We do have to right one paper that's pretty big, but I don't think it's humongous. 7 pages or so, that isn't too bad. I wish I had more time to do it and more time to research, but oh well. The class is with Doc Allen, I believe.
I really like the class. I'm learning a ton. I spent a lot of time on the weekend getting ahead on the reading.



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