Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Thursday, February 20, 2003

I suppose we're all hooked up to the front page of vagrantcafe.com now, aren't we?

Things that amaze me #860:
How one of the lowest-paid, lowest-ranked employees (that being me) is regarded as the Official Copy Machine Helpdesk simply because I am located the closest to it. People who teach software classes, are paid to work with companies on efficiency, have Master's degrees, and whose jobs are based around technology constantly end up asking me to help them figure out what's wrong with the copy machine, how to do this or that or the other task on it, etc. Do I have special training in the copier? Was I trained on how to use it any more than "press this key and this key" and very basic "how-to" information? No and No. However, I apparently have been deemed Keeper of the Copier, apparently.

NP: RJD2, Deadringer

New Roomie Moving In Soon!!!

Time now for 2 of Joel's Greatest Hits of Late:
1. I was in a literature class last night. We separated into our small groups to discuss and analyze the characters in the story. What must be understood is this: Cheap (more like poor) person that I am, I bought my textbooks at half.com this semester. While on just two classes, I saved approximately $150, I also got an old edition of our literature book. Apparently quite a few new stories have been added because almost every week, there's a story that just isn't in my copy. Last night, the story we were to discuss hadn't been in mine and what with all the car problems I've been going through and whatnot, I had no time or opportunity to find the story elsewhere. So I sat down in the group and they started to discuss. I said that I loved the story and started telling about my favorite parts, except instead of the actual story I started talking about parts from Curious George Goes To The Hospital. I got a few confused looks until I explained I must have read the wrong story and told which one I was talking about. A couple of them laughed, and the other ones weren't really sure what was going on but thought it was pretty funny.
2. I forgot to copy the memo to myself or else I would post it here. Anyway, I had done something weird in the database system and clicked a wrong box or something, though some old price options were in there and that's what confused me. The department received an email from the head of the department asking nicely why it had shown up a certain way and what the issue might be. So I replied, copying the same department group and explaining that I had screwed up, finishing the email with a line about how apparently I had shown up for work yesterday with a mud-related substitute for brains. From what my co-workers tell me, that brief amount of levity went over fairly well and helped alleviate.

Lunch, please come soon, but not before I decide how to approach you.


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