Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

i can't help it. i'm a junkie. i check the Chicago Cubs website several times a day for updates and stories. it's sick.

i want to put together a really good holiday music compilation this year. i did one last year that was okay, but was mostly a combo of stuff from a best buy compilation, tooth and nail happy christmas albums, and a couple beach boys songs. i'm hoping for more depth and classics this time around, though last year's served its purpose, which was to keep me awake while driving to milwaukee and michigan.

it's tough being the nice guy.
people assume you won't get mad when they say things about you. people assume you're laid back about everything, whatever your moral compass may say. people assume they can pull things on you.
you feel more than a twinge when people need help, when the homeless approach you, when you are asked to donate. when you loan people money, they either don't bother to pay you back or keep telling you they're going to and keep forgetting or allowing other things to keep that from happening. when you're a nice guy, you try to be nice about that even you're behind on your own bills, have way too much debt of your own, and definitely don't have extra money sitting around just waiting to be lent or given out. when you're a nice guy, people respect your ideals, but not the person who has them.

ok, enough whining.

today i brought in the CD case that has (among other things) all my home music backup discs. i have waaaaaay too much good music here right now where i can't really listen to it much. i just knew i had to have something decent to play in the background, though, or i was going to go nuts.

last night my S.O. called and we (meaning basically she) talked for a good while. it was great. i tend to get really down about things, it's hard to describe, but she was sensing this and just had some wonderful things to say that were great to hear. she's the best.


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