Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

the snow started falling here, but only stuck around for a short while. i enjoy the snow, but since michial is flying in tomorrow i'm glad it isn't going to snow a whole lot in the next couple days.
by the way, great song to check out: "Winter Symphony" by Brian Wilson (or may be under The Beach Boys, i forget at this point).
Today i've been listening to Ella Fitzgerald and Dean Martin. and on the lunch break, started reviewing the new Element 101 record. it's actually a lot different than their earlier stuff (and much much better). no more poppunk.
tonight's a big night of cleaning house, hopefully writing a bit, and catching up on episodes of 24.
and i still need to see these new Osbournes episodes.

on sunday i was over at the S.O.'s apartment but also sick as a dog (which is unfortunate but better than being sick back in MI or IN). we ended up watching the animated Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, which i'd never seen in its entirety. I think they did a really great job with that film, but i'm not an animation connisseur or anything so i'll just keep quiet on it.

last night liz and i went and saw Bowling for Columbine. GREAT documentary. it basically shows how America is quite obviously much more violent than other countries and cultures, then asks "why?" the stories and interviews and information and clips from this documentary are amazing. also, while this is a documentary and it is about guns, it's also hilarious. michael moore is absolutely great at providing humor even in the darkest, anger-drenched subject.

i'm getting sleepy but i'm still working, so i better sign off.


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