Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, September 30, 2002

and a week later, here i am.

to answer the comment:
yes, becca, "blueworm."
one was in reference to a color that i like, the other because i thought that sort of sounded cool. it was back when the internet was new to most of us and we felt compelled to come up with the most inane of nicknames possible, what can i say.

oh, so much to say, so much to write about, so much going on, but you know what? it's best left unsaid for now.

hotel, motel, holiday inn. go ahead, someone post a comment and name that song. i believe in you. i may even have a prize for the special kid who comes up with that one.

still not much progress on that "view past light" thing. i'm beginning to think that it's just going to come to me and be very clear all of a sudden. almost an epiphany, but obviously on a much smaller level.

i'm thinking i'd like to beat this caffeine addiction.

the cubs' season is finally over. mercifully over.
now for a new manager, some new faces, and a great next year. hey, we can hope, you know? i could go into reasons why they could be a contender next year, but no one here cares.

patience is a great thing.


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