Distracted Blues

Distractions Galore!

Monday, February 11, 2002

crazy day at work today, hahaha. i thought it was nuts before lunch...it got like hell after that. but...once 5 (or in today's case, 5:30) hits, i'm done with it til 8 the next day. i figure...life's short...i can't do anything about it after 5 anyway, so why let it bug me?

i tried to be sociable tonight and just sat there the whole time thinking "dear God...i want to be home."

dave van ronk died. not many people know who he is or care, but damn...it makes me really sad.

don't let my whining fool you. a day is just a day. and good stuff did happen, i just really don't wanna ruin the surprise of a certain lovely reader.

"she brought me home just to kick me out."--from a song on a Dave Van Ronk record (he did a lot of traditional folk so i'm not sure if it's his own writing or not)



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